The signs of the zodiac "Water", know them and their characteristics

The element that governs the signs can determine their behavior. The nature of water is transparent and in constant motion, as it can be calm or agitated, but above all, it represents life, purity and renewal.

The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are ruled by this element, they like to live in their world, they are dreamers and create their inner world as much as their imagination allows them, they are in the clouds all the time! Creating their ideal future

Just like water can be calm or agitated, in the same way these signs can be changeable and go from one mood to another, living with a water sign is like a roller coaster, every day is different!

They love freedom and new experiences, they love nature and animals, so traveling and seeing new places is one of their favorite activities. If they spend too much time without "movement", they become uranos and their bright personality fades away.

They love mystery and the occult. Don't be surprised if they suddenly tell you about beautiful beings and if their house is full of gadgets and books on subjects that may seem strange to you, but to them are quite natural!

They are the most sensitive and sentimental signs, even if they don't look it, they always give themselves totally to love and it is very easy to fall in love with them, but because of their great imagination, they can become jealous and possessive in the blink of an eye without any real reasons.