The dark side of the zodiac signs

We always talk about the virtues of the signs, but today we're going to know their dark side. Discover yours!

There is not only the law, the one you impose, you have a serious problem with everything that represents an authority, it is enough that you are forbidden something so that you go and do it, you like to take the lead, you are voluntary and competitive, it is very difficult for you to listen to the reasons and you do not care about the consequences of your actions.


You are very stubborn and obstinate, when you want something, you get it! You don't care who or what gets in your way and the damage you may cause to others. You are so arrogant that everyone has to do what you say or they will know your wrath, you are possessive of your possessions as well as people, no one knows unhealthy jealousy, until they know you!


You can be shallow and gossip generating, they say information is power and you know it well! So you want to know everything, you are capable of using the information you have or inventing new information against someone to manipulate the situation in your favor.


You are so bipolar! One minute you can laugh at everything and the next minute you can go into a rage, no one ever knows what state of mind you will be in and these extreme changes in your personality lead you to a series of the most destructive attitudes, you would rather attack than be hurt, and sometimes no one wants to hurt you.


You are so self-absorbed that you believe the universe must pay you tribute for even existing, but do you really have to be a real bully? You are authoritarian, bossy and argumentative, you think you don't make mistakes and it is hard for you to accept that you can be wrong, according to you; you are perfect, the others are just mediocre!


You like to be direct and speak clearly, you don't like to beat around the bush, but sometimes you give your "humble opinion" in a destructive and unfounded way, you give your opinion just to criticize something, your humor is so dark that you can humiliate and you don't care! Yet you laugh at your own joke. You are a perfectionist to the extreme and you don't allow anyone to touch your stuff. It's yours and nobody else's!


Contradiction and recklessness rule this sign, you can never really make a decision, you can make people despair and hurt them because you can't make a choice. Balance is something fundamental to this sign, so if someone owes you something, it's serious! You look for every possible way to pay the debt.


My friend, you are scary, your dark side is the darkest of all the signs, you can go to really twisted extremes to get even, you always hide an ace up your sleeve and you know how to play very well. Power drives you crazy and turns you into someone cold and completely calculating, you are an expert in manipulation to get what you want and the worst thing, you have no remorse.


You like to make your comments seem clumsy or innocent, but they always have a double underlying intention, you really know what you are doing, you are very reckless and bold and you end up ruining everything because of your impulsiveness, but what does it matter? If you've learned to fake it so well when you ask for forgiveness that everyone believes you, no one limits you!

You like to gamble and take big risks at the limit, be careful! You could lose EVERYTHING


You are too calculating and extremist, when you take revenge and you have decided to do it, you do it with interest, you plan it so that nobody finds out that it was you because you don't like to have enemies, you act alone and without proof, innocent until proven guilty! When they have hurt your pride, you will never admit your mistakes.


You can become distant and cold as an ice cube, you hate routine for which you can disappear before a work meeting or social event which makes you lazy, you are terrible at keeping a commitment, you always have to be the center of attention and you can become fat.


You are extremely contradictory, you like to help people, but you "don't give without a huarache", you don't help unless you can get something in return, even if it is only their eternal gratitude and if thanks to your help the person has obtained some success or blessing jealousy devours you!

Your word is worthless, you can accept something and the next minute you deny everything you promised.