The evil eye: what it is, how to identify it and remedies to get rid of it

Do you believe in the evil eye? Have you been feeling nervous lately and not resting well? We explain how to protect yourself from it and how to get rid of it.

The evil eye is a superstitious belief held in many civilizations that a person has the ability to bring you evil, misfortune, illness or even death after looking at you.

More commonly said, it is a discharge of negative energy that has negative effects on the life of the person who is affected. The scientific community calls the evil eye a "hoax," although there are documented cases that study the power of negative energy in our lives.

It is caused by envy, bad wishes and harmful energies of another person on you. In general, most of the time they are intentional, with a desire to harm the person, but it is also believed that some people can produce them unintentionally, simply because they have a lot of strength in their eyes. People with clear eyes have a greater ability to cast the evil eye. If you find people like this, it's best to stay away from them, because they don't attract anything good into your life.

The people most susceptible to the evil eye are babies. That's why in many cultures they are protected with a bracelet in the shape of a Turkish eye, a doe's eye or a black hand.

The most important symptoms of the evil eye:

The evil eye is said to affect adults differently than children. In children, it usually affects the physical level more, and in adults the psychological level.

- Digestive system disorders: the affected person may lose the desire to eat, have diarrhea, continuous vomiting...

- Frequent mood changes: They may go from happiness to melancholy and feel like their life has no meaning.

- Sleep disorders: the person affected by the evil eye may have affected their ability to relax.

- Skin problems: they may have allergies or rashes in different parts of the skin.

- Psychological problems: Nervousness, intense fear, dizziness, decreased vision or depression.

- Fatigue: You may feel very heavy and tired all day. No desire to do any activity.

How do you know if you're jinxed?

To know if you are under the effect of an evil eye, fill two glasses. One with water and one with oil. Cut a strand of your hair and put it in the glass of oil, then put a few drops in the glass of water. Repeat the action three times. Then place the glass of water over a candle. If the oil spreads, you have an evil eye.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye:

- Fear: negative energies feed on it. We must overcome it and avoid thinking that anyone who looks at us wants to harm us, because we unconsciously attract bad energies.

- Reiki, yoga or meditation: These disciplines help us balance our energy and encourage us to attract positive energy. The mind can be very powerful.

- Amulets: You can use red ribbons on your wrists, lavender, garlic, Turkish eyes...

How to remove the evil eye?

First of all, we need to make sure that we really have the evil eye because some of the symptoms are common to those of certain diseases.There are many rituals and amulets. There are also psychics who specialize in this type of evil.

The best thing we can do is to trust our personal strength and our ability to counteract any negative energy. We must surround ourselves with people who transmit positive energy.

- Glass of water: Put a glass of water under your bed and change the water every night (this will absorb the negative energy and prevent you from being the affected person).

- Apple: Place a few apples at the entrance of your house, this will prevent any bad energy from entering.

- Chilli tree: Latin American traditions say that in order to cure yourself of the evil eye, you should plant a chilli tree at the entrance of your house. You have to do it yourself without anyone's help.

- Bath with street leaves: Street has many healing properties. You should take a bath calmly with this plant and relaxing music. The best day to do this is Tuesday.

- Salt: Place a pinch of salt in the palm of your hand, close it into a fist and run it around your head three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise. Then dissolve the salt by putting your hand in a bowl or glass of water. The evil eye will dissolve like the salt.

- Egg: Run an egg (preferably brown-shelled) over your entire body. It is more effective if you have someone do it for you, as it will reach all parts of your body. When you are done, break the egg and dissolve the white and yolk in a glass of water with dissolved salt.