With the new year also comes a very coveted moment... The sales! It's time to change your wardrobe and start dressing according to your personality. To do this, today in Trendly, we're going to tell you what are the sartorial keys to follow according to your zodiac sign to make a splash in this new year... Everything is perfect!


This is a very enterprising sign, they are not afraid of change and novelty, and this is a big point in their favor when it comes to dressing. They are not afraid of the unknown, but rather of new adventures and new projects, which is why they always try to take what is new and original, they always follow the trends.

They should wear outfits that represent all their strength, because they are the image of their personality. For an Aries girl, we recommend following the styles of Sarah Jessica Parker or Emma Watson to be able to identify with their clothing style. Now, during the colder months, they should ideally wear brown tones and very long, oversized clothes, symbolizing their strength and potential.


Taurus people are very clearly identified with a very marked personality, which has clear values and is always firm with the decisions they make, which also makes them very consistent. Loyalty, elegance and sophistication are other of their values, so their outfits are usually very sensual, but also discreet. Routine dressing is essential for them, so they opt for classic and minimalist styles.

For this new year, we recommend them to opt for ethnic style, but without losing the value of sophistication, as it will give them that freshness they sometimes need. You can also use oversized style tops, bet on some transparencies and choose fluid clothes. For this, we recommend looking at the style of Penelope Cruz or Melania Trump.


This is an incredibly intelligent, square and methodical sign. They are very true to their ideals and this is also reflected in their clothes, day in and day out. They are the kind of people who prioritize their personal style rather than following trends, which gives them a "plus" of originality. They are great communicators, fluent and have great interpersonal skills.

They are very detailed in their clothing, but still maintain their own style. They are similar to celebrities like Angelina Jolie or the Olsen sisters in that they are chameleonic, being able to go from one extreme to another at any given time. You can dress with a bohemian style, minimal, extremely exaggerated... But without ever giving up their personal touch.


People with cancer have a very changeable personality, which is also reflected in the way they dress. They are very emotional, which makes them prefer a different style every day of their life. At the same time, they have a patient nature, but they never lose that potential sensuality.

This sexy point can be reflected in personalities like Pamela Anderson or Sofia Vergara. In addition, the naive and romantic style is always present in the outfits they have to use, taking special care of the fabrics, colors and accessories they use. The winter trend that will be most favored by Cancer will be the Victorian.

5. LEO

They are a very easily recognizable sign, as the character that defines them is very easy to identify. Charisma is one of the main points of their personality, although they are also pleasant and striking people. They are leaders by definition, and this makes their clothes to define this role, for what they use flashy clothes that provoke interaction.

They are transgressive people who don't follow the norm, who emphasize their sensuality, are original in their style and take the trends to the extreme. You can see them with golden or metallic colors, just like Jennifer Lopez or Madonna, clearly transgressive fashion icons. We advise you to opt for "chunky" t-shirts this winter.


Virgo people are characterized by their determination and their sense of organization. They are routine and passionate about planning their day, it couldn't be any different with their outfits. They always try to be impeccable and suitable for any occasion, which keeps them away from styles like punk or homeless.

You'll never see them with a wrinkled shirt, a stain, or an aged garment. However, accessories and shoes are what they care about most in their outfits, and they invest much more in them. They are like Blake Lively or Salma Hayek, always impeccable and feminine, with a special sensitivity for the choice of fabrics and colors.


This is a very indecisive sign, including the clothes they wear. They need to be accepted all the time, so they always try to make the clothes they wear fit their personality. They have a personal charm and good taste which are two characteristics that identify them, and they know their strong point and know how to exploit it to perfection.

They focus on quality, good design and originality at all costs. They never leave a piece of clothing without trying it on, and they take care of all the harmony of their body so that it goes with the clothes they wear. Thus, their makeup, hair and manicure will always be perfect. They can be identified with Emilia Clarke or Blanca Suárez, and it is recommended this season to wear flared and flowing skirts.


Scorpios are intense and curious, so they always attract everyone around them. They are strong and dense personalities, which is reflected in the way they dress. They like to chew the silhouette, they have a special dedication to the colors and the materials of their complements must always be the most perfect.

They love marked shoulders, side details on pants and belts with big buckles, like Scarlett Johansson or Katy Perry. They always prioritize shoes over any other garment, and they take special care with the one they choose, as they need a combination of comfort and originality. We recommend that in the new year you opt for denim outfits with culotte pants and white stilettos.


This is a sign that has great confidence in itself, which makes it always the center of attention and all eyes. They have a positive energy that is contagious and are the most optimistic of the entire zodiac. They always have a smile and a good word, and this personality is largely reflected in their outfits, which are relaxed and have that touch of good humor.

They don't feel any pressure when it comes to dressing, they don't follow trends and they don't care what others think about their taste in clothing. Sagittarians trust their instincts and feel totally free when it comes to forming their outfits, like Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears. They adapt to all cultures, enrich themselves with them and never have any prejudices or limits. So we bet on sweaters with alpine embroidery and accessories from some remote part of the world.


Capricorns attach special importance to their physical appearance, so they always seek acceptance and approval from the people in their social environment. They always have to maintain an image, which is why they tend to dress very conservatively, with strong patterns and philosophy. They want to be classy and work towards it, even invest in it. They use good quality brands that can last for years in their wardrobe.

Celebrities that match their style are Kate Moss or Carolina Herrera, always solemn and elegant. For them, we recommend buying in this new season n suit pants and wool jacket, of a wide quality that allows you to use it in two pieces or separately.


This is a very rebellious sign, with a unique and bohemian personality. The values of freedom and group consciousness are most important to Aquarians, and in their daily lives they reflect the free spirit they have and the wild touch that characterizes them. They can be very minimalist or with a classic touch, but you will always see that irreverent air in their clothes.

They feel flexible when it comes to dressing up, so you will always see them with distressed leather clothes, ripped jeans, oversized dresses or cardigans with bohemian style prints, like Jennifer Aniston or Shakira. For the new season, we recommend a pair of cowboy boots with high heels.


Pisces are dreamers, and it shows in their clothes too. They use clothes the way they feel, even if the end result is not what is socially accepted. They are quite capable of creating very distinctive outfits that would be up to any "it girl", but most of the time they prefer to be guided by their instincts.

Rihanna and Cindy Crawford are two women who identify with these characteristics, and this winter we recommend buying satin clothes and letting your imagination run wild when it comes to dressing. Combine cashmere, denim, sporty styles... but always try to use neutral tones.

What about you, do you identify with your sign?