Angel or Demon?

Classification of the most romantic signs - Unfaithful - Jealous

Discover month by month our zodiac signs love ranking... The most romantic signs, the most unfaithful and... the most jealous!

Did you know that each month, the position of the stars directly affects each sign? That's why we usually look at horoscopes. We have prepared a classification of the signs to know which ones are more inclined to fidelity and which ones are likely to sin month after month...but remember, this is only orientative, you don't have to fear the worst in your current partner!




Congratulations, you occupy the Top 1 of the romanticism ranking, yours are the great declarations of love, and although it is said that love made in Disney does not exist, yours are as close to it as possible. You're in for a month of feeling butterflies in your stomach, so enjoy it!



Sweet Girl, you occupy the second position in our top. This month, your love will be like sugar... sweet... but be careful not to abuse it. Don't expect everyone to understand or accept the way you give yourself to love! Not everything is rosy for everyone!


Your tender moments... take you to the clouds. You're experiencing a dreamy scene that transports you into romantic fantasies evocative of tenderness and love with your partner... but don't forget that soaring at the same time disconnects you from reality. Don't forget to always have one foot on the ground in case you need to land!


Full speed ahead is how you experience romance in this last month. You don't care about passing someone on the right, you're driven by a strong and deep sense of love, which is also reciprocated! As if you've shed your armor - frame and lightened your weight, you're moving forward at full speed! Be careful not to crash! (You have been warned)




What a month you've had, you'll run out of nails from biting them. Uncertainty after uncertainty, you can't fully enjoy your relationship. No matter how hard you think about it, you can't find any light at the end of the road, and we assure you that you created this maze all by yourself in your head. Things aren't as dark as you think they are. Give yourself a break! And give your coconut a vacation.


Ever since they told you that "rumor," you've been off-center, unsettled, with a surprised look on your face... Are you really going to pay attention to anything they tell you? Leave aside so many rumors and focus a little to enjoy what is yours. If you go to your partner with more stories, you will have a bigger conflict than what actually happened. We recommend you step away from the subject for a bit and try a romantic night of reconciliation.


Yes, what you're feeling is a symptom of guilt. Maybe you shouldn't have looked at your partner's cell phone, you would have saved the "Thanks, a kiss" message from his ex. You are overthinking something that has no more relevance than a few written words. Trust me, for God's sake, your man has shown you a lot this past month. Sagittarius, for all this you are in the most jealous ranking.


You had a good argument with your partner, and in the end it turned out that you were not right. Even so, you still don't give your arm to twist and it's 3 weeks of tension. Try to get out of this cataleptic state you've sunk into for a simple matter of jealousy. Without further ado, our best advice is to erase all negativity from your head, especially because nothing happened... and you know it!



It's not the fact that you looked this guy up and down... it's the fact that you did it in front of him without any qualms... and while we're on your side (looking is healthy), we can't support you if you're also trying to meet a co-worker one of these weekends. Give yourself a break, think about what you want, then take action. If it really is time to change partners, you should do it with a little more maturity... or you'll be in trouble!



You are experiencing a rich period full of good sex. Enjoy it, because you've also been through some lonely times. However, you shouldn't get too involved with guys you only see as a one-night stand. Eventually, you'll end up dating too many at once and the problems you've been running away from will reappear. Be careful not to run too fast Libra!


You're in your most intimate 50 shades moment. Choose well to whom you give the most precious of you, which will not harm you in the future. Also, forget about your flirtation, he is also living this moment with other people, so you will get what you eat for what you get. Capricorn, you are in our top Unfaithful, although you already know it, and you are aware of it.



Well, in the end, what you feared happened, things got a little out of hand and what you kept secret became public... but it didn't stop. So it ended up being a threesome. Don't give it any more thought or importance, it was something spontaneous and heartfelt, so you enjoyed it and... now it's time to go back to your usual river. Wait... you're not thinking of repeating yourself!